Upgrade to active.

Upgrade your loudspeakers to active specification with our SNAXO 242 crossover. Suitable for use in biamplified systems, the SNAXO 242 will make the most of your amplifier’s output. Every model we sell is optimised before delivery to suit the specific requirements of your speakers.

Suitable for use with two stereo, or four mono amplifiers
Powered by FlatCap XS, HiCap or SuperCappower supply

Technology & Craft
The SNAXO 242 can be used in bi-amplified systems with two stereo amplifiers, or in a four-pack system using four mono amplifiers. Power to the unit is supplied by a FlatCap XS, HiCap or SuperCap audio power supply. When ordering a SNAXO, you should specify which loudspeaker model this will be used with, as we tailor the components within each SNAXO for use with specific loudspeakers. For more information contact your local Naim Audio retailer.